Thursday, December 23, 2010

Life's Games

One rainy Saturday I joined a few colleagues to spend part of the day with seventh standard kids in a Dharavi school. The Principal welcomed us with, "Please remember, the kids here do not need your pity; we teach them to be doctors, engineers and investment bankers". Talk of setting the tone! It was quite an experience teaching those truly street smart kids. In contrast to the muddy and murky winding narrow lanes, the school had a cheerful clean look. The kids were bright. We sweated a few enjoyable hours teaching them English grammar, spoken English & MS-Word-Excel skills. The last bit was the toughest. They knew the location of every game in the server and would switch program the moment we turned another way!
As we sipped chai before parting, it was hard to say who was the teacher and who the pupil.

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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India